Be Your West End Best
The school day runs from 8.45 am to 3.15 pm. Please see the school arrival and collection policy for details of these arrangements.
The compulsory time we are open for is 32.5 hours a week including breaks for the children.
There are a wide variety of extra curricular clubs on offer which extend the school day for those children opting to participate.
The children have staggered, allocated morning play and lunch play times.
At lunch time, the youngest children in EYFS and KS1 go in to the hall first to eat from 11:45 and the older KS2 years follow on from 12:15
At lunchtime a range of playtime activities are provided and the adults facilitate these to include all children. Some activities are on a rota to allow for fair access whilst others are free choice. There are also a range of lunchtime clubs on offer.
Additional breaks and play activities are organised by individual teachers to suit their class.
Please note the school grounds/playgrounds are not supervised before and after school by staff. Children should be under the supervision of parents and all school rules for behaviour remain in place for health and safety reasons.