
West End Primary School and Nursery

Be Your West End Best

Design Technology

Design Technology (DT) draws on a diverse range of skills and many different areas of the curriculum.  It is closely associated with maths, science and art. DT activities provide opportunities for children to be creative, to make their own decisions, to solve problems and to experience the properties and uses of materials. DT enables children to communicate scientific ideas, develop language skills, including the use of technical vocabulary, through talking about their work and presenting their ideas in different formats, such as diagrams, charts, photographs and sketches. 

Click below to see our DT curriculum in detail

The children used their knowledge of the Amazon Rainforest to create their own dioramas. They used a mix of natural resources from around the school grounds and recycling material. The next job was to use plasticine to create their rainforest animal. Our final stage, will be to create an animation of their rainforest animal moving through their habitat using Purple Mash. 
