
West End Primary School and Nursery

Be Your West End Best

British Values

British Values play an important role in children’s education. Here at West End we promote these values ensuring that our children have an understanding and knowledge of:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

These values have long been embedded within the school ethos, and form the basis of our behaviour expectations and the way in which all members of our school community work together. Assemblies and specific lessons in PSHE, History and RE help the children at West End think about the rules we share in school and how these rules are embedded in the culture of our country. This ethos underpins the way in which children learn across the curriculum including playtimes and after school activities. PSHE sessions help develop children’s critical thinking skills and also provide a structured framework for debate with clear rules that enable children to dig deeper into ideas which can be questioned and challenged in an objective manner.


Our school council and supporting groups are voted for democratically by their peers and take pride representing their year groups in meetings, assemblies and events.
