
West End Primary School and Nursery

Be Your West End Best

Reception Robin Class

Robin Class

December update!


The children have embraced the Winter season learning about the many different celebrations that happen at this time of the year from pumpkin rolling, Bonfire night, Diwali celebrations, and Christmas nativity performances. These celebrations have influenced our art work, PE dance celebrations and speaking and listening skills. They have learnt how to listen to everyone's ideas and stories brilliantly. This has also been developed through our phonics learning with children growing in confidence in their letter formation and using segmenting to help them with their spelling when writing captions. The children are also so proud that they get to take their Little reading books home to share with parents.  



Autumn 1

What a fabulous start we have had to the new school year!  As the children have been getting to know each other we have learnt lots about what they have in common with their new classmates as well as what makes them unique.  We have done this by drawing portraits, making puppets of ourselves and participating in circle time. 


 The children continue to thrive and amaze us with their enthusiastic engagement and amazing learning.  This term has been full of firsts; school lunches, Autumnal walks, the introduction of phonics and PE to name a few. No matter what the experience has been, the children have approached it with a resilient and eager attitude. We are so proud of everything that you have achieved!  Take a look at some pictures of our  first term's experiences and adventures.  


Whatever the topic or subject, we endeavour to evaluate where your child's understanding is and plan to move them into their next steps in learning - through whichever approach best suits them. Some children love to learn outside, whilst others like to collaborate on a project with friends. Some children learn best by repeating a skill in lots of different activities, whilst others rise to the challenge of creating a new experience. Throughout the day we incorporate whole class sessions where we introduce new concepts and practice established skills. It is lovely to see the children then apply this knowledge in different areas of our provision.


Meet the team!

Click below to see our new starter Reception booklet

Click below to see the Early Learning end of year goals

If your child needs to learn from home please visit the Home Learning Pages.  

Additional online lessons for Reception Class.

Useful Resources 

Useful websites:
