Be Your West End Best
If your child is in Reception Class and Key Stage 1 they are able to have a school meal free of charge (Universal Free School Meals).
For families with children in Key Stage 2 who are having a paid school meal, these need to be paid for online using Parent Pay (log in information will be provided from the school office).
If you feel you may be eligible for free school meals we would encourage you to claim your entitlement to support you in the health and care of your child and to support their learning in school. Information is available on the following website:
Should you have any queries regarding payments you can speak to Lindsey and for any queries regarding your child's menu choices or any food related allergies you can speak to Laura in the School Office. All matters regarding free school meals are treated with discretion and in confidence.
Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 will receive a piece of fruit or vegetable as a morning snack provided by school.
Children can bring in their own fruit or vegetable snacks from home to eat at break time. They can also bring additional healthy snacks to eat at lunch times or for the end of the school day before attending enrichment clubs.
All children, from the term after they turn 5, are able to order milk for the year at a cost of £58.90. This can be purchased via Parentmail (or free of charge for children who are entitled to free school meals). Children below the age of 5 receive milk free of charge.
Packed lunch
Healthy packed lunches can be brought in a sealed named lunch box. We request that you provide your child with a healthy balanced meal and remember to check your child can manage the packaging themselves. No glass bottles, fizzy drinks, energy drinks, nuts or sweets please.