
West End Primary School and Nursery

Be Your West End Best

Early Years Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Nursery and Reception (3-5 yrs)

In our Foundation Stage we offer a broad and balanced Early Years curriculum using the Early Learning Goals as our starting point. This is based on three prime areas of learning, which are interconnected and support development in other areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development


 In addition to these prime areas are 4 specific areas:



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts & Design


We aim to embellish and enhance this curriculum, offering children as many learning opportunities as possible, whilst continuing to place a strong emphasis on the acquisition of basic skills vital to their further education.


We believe in and celebrate the unique child and are aware that pupils enter the Foundation Stage at a variety of stages both in maturity and academic ability. We also know that children learn the same thing in different ways. We therefore cater for children's individual needs within each area of the curriculum, building on their existing understanding and experiences.


Rather than following pre-determined topics we value the children's interests and fascinations and involve them in our planning. This leads to high levels of engagement, increased independence and ensures learning is meaningful.

Statutory EYFS Framework Effective from September 2021 Non-statutory Guidance for EYFs

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage.


Non-statutory Guidance for EYFS

01-birthto5matters-download.pdf (



Click here for read what to expect in the EYFS

EYFS Curriculum at West End

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