Be Your West End Best
In accordance with the new curriculum, at West End we provide an integrated programme for MFL teaching, which currently focuses on French.
All lessons are as entertaining and enjoyable as possible, as we realise that this approach serves to develop a positive attitude in the children in their language learning. We ensure a broad and balanced range of experiences for every child (visual, oral and kinaesthetic). We build children’s confidence through the constant praise for any contribution they make in the foreign language, however tentative, we feel that this is a very important part of their development and enthusiasm to continue learning a modern foreign language.
As well as aiming to raise the standards of achievement of the children at West End Primary School in MFL and enabling them to develop within their capacities, we also want our children to develop speaking and listening skills and to understand that language has structure. Most importantly though, we want our children to develop an understanding of other countries, culture and languages and to encourage an enthusiasm and fascination about languages.
We enjoy celebrating European Day of Languages annually. This year we have learned about European artists such as Henri Rousseau. We also enjoy learning about festivals and celebrations from around the world such as Chinese New Year. Our Global Citizens work is also closely linked with MFL at any given opportunity.