Be Your West End Best
At West End our aim is to foster a ‘number happy’ environment where maths is interesting, purposeful, and enjoyable for all children. Through focused, daily maths lessons, children are encouraged to become logical thinkers, and to make links between areas of experience using a variety of methods and strategies
Year 2 have had so much fun this week learning how to sequence numbers to 100 and then estimating where numbers go on a number line. They even made their own number line on the playground.
Starling class enjoyed investigating how 2-way tables work. Groups used different resources to group in 2 ways and then created their own table to represent the data.
I have to say the Haribo groups were probably the happiest.
The children in Starling class really enjoyed investigating nets and how to make 3D shapes from them. They had a lot of fun using various resources from around the classroom to understand the properties of these shapes.
What a fantastic morning in Year 1! The children have spent the morning using manipulatives from around the classroom to understand number. They used their number frames to see what 6 is and then applied this to what makes 6.
Our Nursery children are enjoying maths in a practical way. They are subitising with many different types of resources from inside and outside of the classroom. What better way to recognise number in the Autumn than with conkers.
The school follows the guidance of the National Curriculum for Mathematics, providing a broad-based and differentiated curriculum, tailored to the individual needs of the learners. We follow the White Rose mathematics scheme which provides a mastery model for teaching mathematics. We have a number of well-developed resource and additional schemes in place to support the delivery of lessons which are enjoyable, practical, and engaging. Lessons enable children to operate confidently in a variety of independent and collaborative settings. Our Early Years and KS1 classes are following the NCETM Mastering Number Project. Its aim is to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.
An awareness of the relevance of Maths in the ‘real world’ is taught effectively through a variety of resources including ICT, Geography, DT, PE and Science. With the help and guidance of adults in school, children are encouraged to apply their mathematical understanding to a wide range of practical situations and are challenged (and supported) to reach the next steps of attainment
Please contact the school office if you would like our Maths calculation policy (unfortunately it is too large to link to the webstie!
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