Be Your West End Best
Our next meeting is on Thursday 30th January at 7:30pm on Teams, everyone is welcome - please come along, email the PTA address for an invite!
The PTA is the parent and teacher association, which works to provide fun and exciting events and activities throughout the school year, enhancing the school experience for our children. We are a registered charity bringing together parents, carers, wider family members, school staff and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. The money raised is spent on things that the school budget does not cover. Over recent years we have contributed to the sensory garden, outdoor classroom and the refit of the library within school.
There are many reasons why you should join our PTA! From making new friends and getting to know the school environment, through to helping raise much needed funds and making a difference to the children and school community. It feels good to know you are making a difference for your children and for generations to come.
If you’d like to join or have an idea for a fundraising event, please email – we’d love to have your support! Volunteering doesn't need to be a huge commitment, every little helps and even a few hours a year can make a massive difference to us.
Save the date!
Pop the following events into your calendar so you don't miss out on the fun!
Friday 31st January - whole school non-uniform day; come in your own clothes, in exchange the PTA are asking the children to 'bring a bottle' for the bottle stall at the Spring Fair (to be held in May, more details to follow). This can be a bottle of anything.... bubble bath, ketchup, wine, chocolate sauce, lemonade - whatever you have at home! Please just make sure it is unopened.
Friday 7th February - Family Quiz Night - book your tickets now via Parentmail, just £5 a family (2 adults and unlimited children - bring additional adults for just £1 each!) - come along to the school hall, 5:30 - 7pm to join in the fun! There will be hotdogs, a tuckshop and a well stocked bar.
Events so far this year:
Friday 18th October - Fancy dress/Christmas jumper exchange; just in time for the non-uniform day, bring along your pre-loved dressing up or festive clothes to swap for something new-to-you!
Wednesday 23rd October - Non-uniform day; come in fancy dress (please make sure it is appropriate for school, bearing in mind the youngest children in school!) or your own clothes. Don't forget to make your donation on Parentmail.
Wednesday 6th November - Bedtime story event; get snuggled in your pyjamas, dressing gowns or onsies, bring along your teddy and enjoy the stories being read by school staff. There will be hot chocolate (including 'special' versions for the adults!) and biscuits available in the school hall.
Once again we were blessed with amazing weather for our Summer disco, which was able to be held outside, festival style, on the top playground and field. It was a fabulous send off for our Y6 pupil, who we are sure will all shine at their new High Schools... we will miss you Year 6!
The first ever West End Bingo night is sure to go down in history! Mr Dove wowed us all with his fabulous calling skills and the prizes were flying out game after game. Everyone was impressed with the dance skills on show during the exhilarating tie-break dance off at the end of the night!
Our Spring Fair was a huge success, despite the stormy weather and having to relocate lots of our activities (including the bouncy castle!) inside. It was wonderful to see so many of our school families there with their friends and extended family enjoying the fun. A huge thank-you goes to all our Y5/6 and parent volunteers - we really couldn't do it without you!
Thank you for all the amazing chocolate donations you sent in as payment for our non uniform day, the chocolate tombola stall at the fair is going to be a sight to behold! We will see you there!
Lots of fun was had at our family games night where we welcomed Ann from 'Cards or Die' who ran the evening, providing an array of new and old favourite games to enjoy. Ann was on hand to introduce and help people learn new games.
The 'break the rules day' held on Friday 2nd February was a huge success. It was fabulous to see lots of excited children enjoying treats, dressing to express themselves and embracing whacky hair styles!
Congratulations to the five winners in our Golden Ticket hunt who all won a voucher to use at the cinema. Lots of people in school chose to take part, the excitement as the chocolate wrappers were removed was palpable!
Our Christmas disco was a huge hit; it was wonderful to see so many of our families attending and dancing the evening away together. Thank you to all the fabulous volunteers who make this sort of event possible.
Thank you to all the families who made our October half term Scarycrow trail such a success by either making and/or hosting such amazing scarecrows or completing the trail and submitting their entries.
The children completed their designs for our Christmas Card Project in school and those gorgeous creations were then turned into beautiful cards and gift wrap for you to send out for the festive season, we hope the recipients were impressed with their bespoke designs!
On 25th October we supported school with the bedtime story event, providing hot chocolate and biscuits in the school hall - it was wonderful to see so many families enjoying the evening. You all looked very snug and cosy in your dressing gowns and onsies!
Last academic year we raised an amazing £6,640.50! Thank you to everyone who supported the PTA with their time, volunteering at our events, coming along to enjoy them or with their cold hard cash!!!
Everyone in school was very excited with the huge delivery of diverse books from Truman Books in Farsely. The PTA generously donated almost 200 books for the children to have access to in their class book corners as well as in the school library. Our school librarians were thrilled to receive the books and spread the good news through assemblies and class reps.
You may have noticed that we have recently had a defibrillator installed on the school fence at the bottom entrance, closest to the woods. This has been a joint project between the PTA and Inspirations Nursery, we are pleased to have been able to support the providing of this potentially life saving equipment for our community, although we hope it never has to be used!