
West End Primary School and Nursery

Be Your West End Best


Our strength in computing comes from a continued commitment and investment into this important and fast changing resource. Technology is incorporated into the whole curriculum with the intention that each pupil will become both competent and confident in its use. This will be characterised by children’s ability to effectively use digital devices and information sources to analyse, process and present information, and to model, measure and control external events. Children will use digital information sources and tools to solve problems and support learning in a variety of contexts. They should come to understand the implications of technologies for working life and society. Across all year groups age appropriate E-safety lessons take place with aim of ensuring the children become responsible internet users. At West End technologies support the curriculum through all classes having recording and playing devices, microphones, headphones and cameras. Each class has a networked computer and access to programmable equipment such as Beebots and Probots. Every class also has an extensive and appropriate range of cross curricular software and access to online learning platforms. We have 32 computers in the E learning suite and children from Reception class to Y6 are timetabled into the suite each week.


Please see our Keeping Safe page under the children and parent tabs for information and support on how to be safe online.

Computing in action!
