
West End Primary School and Nursery

Be Your West End Best

Reception Robin Class

Robin Class

Spring 1: January - February half term 

So far this half term we have counted down and blasted off into space to learn about astronauts, aliens, stars and space travel.  The children are becoming extremely interested in our topic and will hopefully maintain this enthusiasm for astronomy.   


We are looking forward to learning about Luna New year and taking part in Children's Mental Health week watch this space for more updates .........



Autumn 2: October half term - December 

The half term has begun with an enthusiastic pumpkin hunt on the school grounds.  Once we found them we worked as teams to lift them to the top of the hill, then delighted as we rolled them down the hill ready to collect them again!  


We had fun doing all things pumpkin! From hammering golf tees into our pumpkins, creating our own pumpkin potions  to tasting homemade pumpkin soup! 


In Robin Class we have really enjoyed taking part in 'World Nursery Rhyme Week'. The children  enjoyed saying, singing, performing and joining in with a wide range of rhymes and songs. We have had great fun learning some new rhymes and sharing our favourites with the rest of the children in class. 


We have discovered that many of our favourite rhymes have a numerical basis; we have enjoyed spotting numbers in our rhymes and deciding if they are addition rhymes, making a greater total or subtraction rhymes, making a lesser total. Some of the rhymes had both addition and subtraction resulting in the same total at the end!  


This term has seen us all become readers and writers.  We have learnt all of the Phase 2 Phonic sounds as well as some Common Exception Words.  We are busy applying these skills to read and spell words, phrases and sentences.   Some children like to write letters or books, others are happier with chalk 'decorating' the wooden fences.  In order to become more careful writers we complete daily challenges to strengthen our fingers and ready ourselves for a good pencil grip.  Pegging washing, scooping beans, threading beads and the ever popular dough gym are some of the ways we have done this.   


Our topic work has followed calendar events and the children's interests: Bonfire night, Diwali and Christmas have all been popular themes.  Additionally, the children  

have loved finding out about jobs and have planned what they want to be when they grow up.     


Autumn 1: September - October half term

Wow, what an fabulous and eager bunch of children we have.  As the children have been getting to know each other we have learnt lots about what they have in common with their new classmates as well as what makes them unique!  We have drawn portraits, made models and pictures of ourselves and asked and answered questions of each other; as well as lots of teamwork games to help us all bond.


 The children continue to thrive and amaze us with their enthusiastic engagement and amazing learning.  This term has been full of 'firsts': assemblies, lunches, theme days, fire drills.....  No matter what the experience has been the children have approached the experience with a resilient and eager attitude.  We are so proud of everything that you have achieved!  Take a look at some pictures of our  first term's experiences and adventures. 


The class are so busy learning, through class sessions, group activities and play-led learning; no wonder they are all tired and grubby at the end of every day!  Whatever the topic or subject we endeavour to evaluate where your child's understanding is and plan to move them into their next steps in learning - through whichever approach best suits them.  Some children love to learn outside, whilst others like to collaborate on a project with friends.  Some children learn best by repeating a skill in lots of different activities, whilst others rise to the challenge of creating a new experience. Throughout the day we incorporate whole class sessions where we introduce new concepts and practice established skills.  It is lovely to see the children then apply this knowledge in different activities.


We have enjoyed sharing our favourite five books re-telling, making predictions, making links between stories and discussing similarities and differences.  Take a look at the link below to see the Favourite Five for this half term.  




Meet the team!

Click below to see our new starter Reception booklet

Favourite Five Books - These are stories we re-read over the half term to help the children become really familiar with a range of text types and encourage an early love of books.

If your child needs to learn from home please visit the Home Learning Pages.  

Additional online lessons for Reception Class.

Useful Resources 

Useful websites:
